How the ‘3D’s can disrupt your workplace

We use the term ‘disruption’ to describe the place where the things we love to do and the things we are good at come together. It is the meeting point between personal passion and potential. To establish and sustain ‘disruption’, you need to ‘dare’ to think differently; you need to design’ your direction and have the discipline to ‘do’ and make it happen. How do we find the freedom in ourselves and in others? There isn’t a rigid formula. Disruption is different for everyone. In fact, that’s the point. However the ‘3D’ model provides a framework that will ask the questions that will prompt thinking about this and knowing what to look for and what to do.


One of the key principles of Disruption is that we need to challenge what we take for granted about our abilities and the abilities of other people. It is amazing that when I ask an audience to rate themselves on a creativity scale invariably people rate themselves no higher than the middle. Most people become sheepish and blurt out “I am not creative”. It is my belief that we all have creative talents, however for most, these talents have been squashed as we progressed through school and into the workforce. It is not the ‘special’ people who are creative. Everyone is born with tremendous capacities for creativity. The trick is to develop these capacities. It will ‘dare’ you to remove yourself from your current paradigm or rut and build the confidence to make you ‘dream’ big. As soon as we have the power to release our minds from the immediate here and now, in a sense we begin the journey of being ‘free’. We are free to revisit the past, free to reframe the present, and free to anticipate a whole range of possible futures. The key to creativity is that it requires you to build the ideas into a passion and to actually do something rather than lie around thinking about it.

As William James stated in the 19th Century: “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their mind…If you change your mind, you can change your life.”

This is the real power of creativity and the true promise of finding your self-disruption!

Building your creative confidence means that you understand:

  • The difference between imagination an creativity
  • The power of thinking differently in releasing more of your creative potential
  • The tools and techniques to make your creativity fire
  • The process to make your ideas stick


What is the purpose of your life or your brand? This is a BIG question! When people find their disruptive space it is because they can connect with something fundamental to their sense of identity, purpose and wellbeing. Being there provides a sense of self -revelation, of defining who they really are and what they’re really meant to be doing with their lives. This is why people who understand their identity and what their life purpose is, will often define it as an ‘epiphany’.

To understand your identity you have to know what you stand for. This comes from self-reflection as well listening to other people’s opinions of you. For many of us, this is easier said than done. Understanding your identity is like eating an artichoke. You need to pull away the leaves to get to the core – the driver of your passions. Understanding your identity is an integral part of finding your disruption. A key to finding your freedom is to know what your aptitudes are.

Aptitudes are the natural talents that you are born with or the root strengths your brand exudes. Some aptitudes are evident early in life and some emerge when the opportunity arises. But being in a disruptive is more than doing things you are good at. Many people are good at things they don’t really care for. To find your freedom you have to love it, too. As Confucius said. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”.

Getting to the core of your identity we delve into the following:

  • Who you are (personality, values, essence)?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your passions?
  • Where are you now? What’s next?
  • What is your story?

A key part of ‘DESIGN’ is using our proprietary tools and frameworks to outline the process where you can find your purpose, your idea, your story et al.


To ‘DO’ is to be in ‘FLOW’. To be in flow is to be in the deep heart of self- disruption. We live in the moment. We become lost in the experience and perform at our peak. One of the strongest signs of being in ‘flow’ is when we are conducting an activity that we have ability in and are equally passionate about. When we are in flow we feel we are doing what we are meant to be doing and being who we’re meant to be.

In his groundbreaking work Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Dr Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi writes of a “state of mind when consciousness is harmoniously ordered and people want to pursue whatever they are doing for its own sake”. To get in this zone you must have your heart, spirit, mind & body in synch. Being in flow brings us energy in abundance even if we are physically exhausted. This is why finding what you love, being good at it and being in flow is vital for every person.

It is as though being in flow provides access to a special power pack – whereby you receive more energy than you expand. Energy is the cornerstone of our life. Experiencing flow is empowering because it unifies our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. Flow provides a deep connection to our identity and brings peace with doing what you are doing. It’s a profound sense of being in your skin, of connecting to your own internal pulse or energy.

However we get there, being in flow is a powerful and transformative experience. So powerful that it can be addictive, yet an addiction that is healthy for you in so many ways.

To be in a state of Flow we explore the dynamics of

  • The power of enabling your heart, spirit, mind and body to be in balance.
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