10 Key Takeaways For Brand Story Development
Over the last few months we have looked into the world of brand story development. A story is here defined as a narrative that portrays actual or fictitious events or experiences with a beginning, a middle and an end (not always portrayed in that order). In doing so, the story provides an organizing framework for its components and implications. The story often has explicit or implied emotional content and detailed sensory information.
Importantly, a story is not a description of a set of facts (or features). It may incorporate and communicate facts, but in the context of a narrative – so the audience may need to deduce those facts. The story however, can influence the interpretation of the facts and issues raised.
What is a brand story? It is an intriguing, authentic, involving narrative that delivers or supports a strategic message clarifying or enhancing the brand vision, customer relationship, organizational values and / or business strategy. It provides visibility and energy to brands and persuades and / or inspires employees and / or customers over an extended time.
What do you think are the top 10 takeaways from previous blogs. Here are my choices:
1. Stories are powerful. Stories are amazingly more impactful than facts – significantly better at gaining attention, getting processed, being remembered, persuading, inspiring and stimulating action.
For more information refer to blog: Creating Transformational Brands
2. Brand Stories take stories to the next level. A brand story is an intriguing, authentic and involving narrative that includes a strategic message. It is not a set of facts but can motivate facts that support the message. They create visibility and energy, two key brand characteristics. Visibility comes from the stories ability to gain attention and break through the media clutter. Energy springs from the visibility and the way the story involves the audience.
For more information refer to blog: Amplifying Brand Stories
3. Sets of stories can multiply the effect. Multiple stories from different perspectives can add depth and breadth to the strategic message, and give it freshness and energy.
For more information refer to blog: Your Who Am I Brand Story
4. Brand stories persuade without lecturing. Instead, they allow audience members to deduce the message by themselves – and to remember it. And the stories distract from counter arguing.
For more information refer to blog: Sets Of Brand Stories
5. Higher purpose brand stories inspire employees and customers. A higher purpose can give employees a new sense of pride in their work, and can motivate customers to support a brand because they share its values. The Lifebuoy “Help a Child Reach 5” program, for example, creates emotional involvement – and helps saves lives.
For more information refer to blog: Higher Purpose Brands Inspire
6. Brand stories can help change the conversation when a brand is in crisis. When a brand trust crisis occurs perhaps precipitated by a product or service blunder or a news event, part of the response strategy can be to generate a new conversation around a brand program communicated in story form. The Barclays signature stories, about employee programs that teach people how to adapt to the digital world, helped turn around perceptions of a troubled brand.
For more information refer to blog: Stories Restore Brand Reputation
7. Brand stories are vehicles to promote the strategic message. In the quest to find the most intriguing, involving story, the strategic message should never be lost. The gal is not just to find or create great stories. It’s also to keep the message front and centre over time.
For more information refer to blog: Brand Strategy Stories
8. Brand stories have all kinds of heroes. Often, they are employees or customers. But the hero can also be a product or service itself – or an organization program, a founder, a revitalization strategy, a growth strategy, a brand endorser or a supplier.
For more information refer to blog: Brand Story Heroes
9. Brand stories can be personal. A personal professional signature story helps you understand yourself, identify your higher purpose, chart your future course and gain credibility.
For more information refer to blog: Creating Your Personal Brand Story
10. An organization must be story-friendly. Your organization needs people, structures, processes and a culture that enable it to identify and evaluate story candidates, turn the best stories into professional presentations and finally, expose them to target audiences.
For more information refer to blog: Where Am I Going Brand Story
Other storytelling blogs / resources:
b) The Four Elements Of Storytelling
c) Your Message Is The Core Storydriver
d) Conflict Is The Driving Force Of A Good Story
e) Who Are The Characters In Your Brand Story